Stołeczna Warszawa jest największym polskim miastem. Położona nad Wisłą w środkowej części województwa mazowieckiego zamieszkana jest przez 1,7 mln ludzi (2012 r.). Siedziba władz państwowych jest ważnym europejskim ośrodkiem naukowym, gospodarczym, kulturalnym i politycznym. W 2012 roku w Warszawie rozpoczęły się Mistrzostwa Europy w piłce nożnej Euro 2012.

źródło zdjęcia: http://pl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Plik:POL_Warszawa_COA.svg&filetimestamp=20080821120957

1) starsze

Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse.

2) Chopin i zamek

Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. z tyłu reklama: DELTA Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse.

3) magnetyczne

Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. hologram na odwrocie; mikrodruk Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. hologram na odwrocie; mikrodruk Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. hologram na odwrocie; mikrodruk Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. hologram na odwrocie; mikrodruk Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. hologram na odwrocie; mikrodruk
Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. z tyłu hologram Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. hologram na odwrocie; mikrodruk Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. hologram na odwrocie; mikrodruk Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. mikrodruk Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. hologram na odwrocie; mikrodruk, inny numerator Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. hologram Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. brak hologramu Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. inny numerator Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. hologram na odwrocie; mikrodruk Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. bez mikrodruku Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. mikrodruk Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. hologram na odwrocie; mikrodruk Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. wejściówka do metra

4) kwadraty

Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana3.png><IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse.

5) jednokolorowe

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6) syrenka

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7) t

Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0wymiana2.png> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse.

2) Chopin i zamek

Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse.

3) magnetyczne

Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse.

karty elektroniczne

Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_chip.png alt="plastikowa karta elektroniczna, karta miejska"> Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_chip.png alt="plastikowa karta elektroniczna, karta miejska">

3) magnetyczne

Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse.

z automatu

Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. <IMG SRC=img_upload/_0blad.png alt="błąd"> cena: 3,60 Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. cena: 6,00zł bilet dobowy ulgowy Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. cena: 12,00zł bilet dobowy

5) z automatu

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6) z automatu

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7) z automatu

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ZTM+PKP Warszawa - Modlin

Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse. Communication of the city: Warszawa (Polska) - ticket abverse.
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